Lost & Found was launched in 2012 by the Minister for Culture and the Arts WA, with a mission to present unusual operas in found spaces that speak to the resonance of the work. The Company produces and tours work on a scale that integrates the audience, performance and environment.
In a short period, Lost & Found has produced bold and imaginative work to find its audience and help energise the creative sector in Perth with an array of successful sold out seasons garnering critical acclaim from local, state and national press.
Lost & Found Opera has decided to go into hibernation for 2020 and 2021.
This is to support fully our Artistic Director, Chris van Tuinen in the first years of his role as Music Director of WA Opera.
We will keep our structure and precious funds intact for a future opportunity that fully fits with the innovative history and spirit of Lost & Found Opera.
Until we take the next exciting step, we encourage you to watch out for the innovative and enterprising directions that Chris is taking at WA Opera, even during this difficult and constrained time.


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